Raising Will

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Happy Easter from Raising Will

Bleh! What a crazy-busy few days! And all with a sinus infection…. **groan**
My apologies for no post yesterday. I have an uncanny knack of digging myself too far into busy. Not only do we head off for a two-week holiday to Tasmania tomorrow (which I was meant to spend the week packing for…) but this week also saw the following:
1. I decided to host a Tupperware party last night and that didn’t finish until 11pm (hence my lack of post last night).
2. Hosting a party means cleaning the house (I have some unreasonable fear that people might discover my secret life featuring sleepless nights, messy lounge rooms and disgust for dishes).
3. Even with a Tupperware party arranged for the week – I decided to take on hosting my Mother’s Group as well. Yes I’m hopeless – I hear your screams of “WHY?!”. That was Wednesday.
4. I spent a chunk of my days shopping for holiday items (of course there could not be a week without a dose of retail therapy for me – and a holiday is as good excuse as any) and collecting Tupperware orders and payments.
5. Lots of phone calls confirming holiday bookings.
6. My body decided it wanted to chip in for my busy week as well and threw in a sinus infection for me to deal with. Booooo! So add in doctor appointments and visits to the chemist.
7. Will, not to be left out, thought he’d have a runny nose and push out two teeth. I’ve never seen a baby with such an aversion to snot. He hated it! Rubbed his little nose relentlessly.
8. Throw in some Easter decorating and list writing.
Phew! Busy indeed. However, I took some photos today that have me excited for my little man’s first Easter and have made me forget the inevitable late night of packing that sprouts from my week’s procrastination (even if it was seemingly required – it was procrastination all the same).
Easter Eggs: Going....
Easter Eggs: Going….
Easter Eggs: Going, Going....
Easter Eggs: Going, Going….












Easter Eggs: Going, Going, GONE!

Easter Eggs: Going, Going, GONE!

 From Michelle and Will at Raising Will – wishing all of our readers and their families a very happy and safe Easter. From tomorrow, we will be gallivanting across the Tasmanian countryside for two weeks without a computer, so our posts will return on Monday 9th May with a delicious Mealy Monday and perhaps a sneak peek at some holiday photos! Until then…. Take care xx

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Bunny Ears & Bunny Tails…

Will’s first Easter is just around the corner and we’ve been getting into the Easter spirit! Easter bunting, Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, Easter sweets and Easter treats. And I tell you, with Will’s fourth tooth starting to push through in as many weeks, I am VERY thankful for the excuse to surround myself with delicious chocolate. 

I hosted our Mother’s Group at my place today and as the last stop before the Easter break, I thought it only fit to whip up some cute little goodies for my yummy mummies. Enter the amazing girls at eighteen25. With their free printable it took me literally 15 minutes to whip up these cute little Easter treats…

Bunny Tails...

Bunny Tails...

 With all the excitement that was surrounding him, Will was also keen to get into the Easter spirit today – looking extremely cute in his ears. Hee hee – Bunny ears from Target = $2.00, Look on Will’s face when I pull out this photo at his 18th = priceless!

Bunny Ears...

Bunny Ears...

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Mealy Monday #8

 Merry Mealy Monday to all! It’s going to be a great week. Our family is all very excited to be heading to Tasmania on Saturday night where we will no doubt be eating lots of delicious food and most likely drinking a few glasses of fabulous wine! Can’t wait. We will pull into Devonport Easter Sunday – so Easter Bunny will have to get his wetsuit on, so Will can get his first Easter Eggs!

But amongst all taht excitemnet is the five days where we will need to eat at home – so menu plan here we come! Firstly though, a recap on last week. We’ve been hit with a cold snap so it called for lots of cockle-warming dishes. Tasty Cottage Pie, Creamy Tuna Mornay, Fruity Beef casserole…. mmmm…. I’m getting hungry just typing about them! I’ve uploaded the Cottage Pie recipe to our Recipes Page so be sure to check it out – along with all of our other featured recipes.

I’ve also uploaded to the Recipes Page the Smartie Biscuits I baked the other week. I whipped up another batch this week with some of the mixture I had in the freezer – they would be great for kiddies during the school holidays. The smarties just make them a little bit special…

Now for our pre-holiday week’s meal plan! Let’s see what on the menu:

M: Garlic Prawns with Rice and Steamed Broccolini (a couple of cold’s have appeared this week – Garlic should give them a knock on the head)
T: Left over Tuna Mornay with salad
W: Butter Chicken
T: Freezer Night
F: Fish and Chips
S & S: Delicious fare from the Isle of Tasmania!

So with that – A reminder that Mealy Monday will return on May 9th, and I hope that everyone gets into the Easter spirit! Se below for some piccies and a few links to my Meal Planning Guru websites!

Perfect for wintery nights: Cottage Pie

Perfect for wintery nights: Cottage Pie

The very delicious Smartie Biscuits!

The very delicious Smartie Biscuits!

The Organised Housewife

This Week for Dinner

Visit 'Vegie Smugglers'


“Honey, My waters just broke!”: My birth story…

There has been an influx of newborns all over my Facebook pages recently. Reading about how others are welcoming new ones into their lives feels me with joy and maybe a few chickens (cluck, cluck, cluck). It is such a precious time (and sometimes horrendous – but I’m being positive today) and I can’t wait to head back there again. Yes, part of that ‘heading back there’ business has something to do with another 12 months holiday, but mostly to do with that gorgeous little bundle that you hold in your arms and stare at for hours in wonder of the life you created and the love you feel for you family.

 Feeling a bit nostalgic about my own experience, I thought I’d share with you all my birth story (my mother’s group already heard this story yesterday – can’t remember why I was telling it, but anyway, I digress), bones and all. I apologise in advance because I’m a bit of a story-teller so this will probably end up a bit of a novel, but hope you can stay with me. So here goes……

Baby Bump

Baby Bump: great expectations...

It was Wednesday the 4th August 2010 and I was sitting in the waiting room of my Obstetrician reading the same magazine I’d read every visit. It was the ONLY pregnancy magazine on the table. That’s right – ONE pregnancy mag in an obstetrician’s waiting room. Anyway, I was called in to the Dr’s room and I was dreading the news. I knew he was going to want to cut me open. I was 37 weeks and my little man had decided right way up was the right way up – he was breech and had been comfortably so since about 32 weeks. Dr Cullen (settle down ladies – not any relation to Edward) performed his examination with a whisper in my ear not to say anything about the baby’s position, as he gestured for the intern to have a push around. I will never forget the look on the kid’s face (yes, he looked like a kid). It was a mixture of confusion, curiosity and panic, presumably about how he was going to tell a 37 week pregnant woman that her baby was the wrong way up. As he muttered “Breech?” to Dr Cullen, I secretly did a little happy dance inside. He had got it right. Maybe one day my kid would be that smart – how many 18 year olds (ok maybe he was 24 or something) can push on a woman’s tummy and know what an unborn baby is doing! Incredible I say.

I jumped… no… I rolled, somewhat like a walrus, off the exam table and took a seat in front of Cullen’s desk. “Now, you’ve still got a breech on board. So we’ll have to look at a caesar. How’s Wednesday next week for you?” “WHAT!?” I exclaimed, he really was seriously just gonna whip my baby outta there! I muttered something about giving the baby more time to turn and managed to bargain Cullen down to an extra week and a half with my baby belly bubble. He’d see me the next Wednesday and make the final call, but Friday week was d-day. So I walked out of the offices beside myself that I would have a new baby in less than two weeks. I mean – what did I think was going to happen!? I guess it was just weird knowing when you were going to have it – at least with the element of uncertainty it was just that – uncertain. For someone often so organised, I really don’t know what scared me about the ‘knowing’ thing. Anyone would’ve thought it would make it better…

That afternoon, I walked in to see my accupuncturist. We had been trying all types of hurdy-gurdies and hoodoo gurus to try and get my baby to turn. Now that I was classed as term though, she could try some extra needles. They say that when your body approaches labour it gives the baby a signal to turn to the correct position, so with this in mind, these ‘new’ needles were meant to stimulate ‘labour-like’ hormones or something in order to get that stubborn boy moving. So she needled away and I sat back and chilled out, sending my little bubba so much E.S.P. that I think I got a mini-headache. Turn, turn, turn… There is a season… Turn, turn, turn… I sang inside to my little baby. That night at yoga – I kept up the E.S.P. messages. No movement at the station yet **sad face**.  I mentioned to my instructor that this would be my last session because my class card had run out. She nearly talked me into paying for just one extra week, but I declined. I kinda liked the fact that I wouldn’t have to walk to my car in the rain  for the next few weeks as I left the yoga studio. Why did it always rain when I left yoga and didn’t have an umbrella! 

Thursday morning and I’d set up the ironing board against the couch so I could lie ‘upside down’ for 30 minutes, encouraging the baby to turn. The torch to my belly the night before had my boy very active but no turning action was to be had. I went about my day, E.S.P.ing my heart out but bubs wasn’t in the mood to listen apparently. Hmmmm…. maybe I’ll give up trying to change him – isn’t that what they all say?

Thursday night arrived and I think my baby turned into a gremlin. It was like a scene from Alien. There was a head sticking out, then some feet, then a head, then a bum, then more feet, then a trombone! Ok, maybe I lied about that last one. Bubs was on the move! Woo Hoo! Well done little guy. Keep it up. I went to sleep that night knowing that in the morning I would wake up and my baby would ready to go, head down, bum up, no worries! If only I’d known how almost right I was; I might’ve had a shower at least.

5.45am, Friday 6th August. I awoke. I weed. In bed. OMG! I WEED IN BED! ‘Damn it!’ I mumbled as I ran to the toilet. Whipped down my undies, went to sit and Weeeee… hang on… that’s not wee. Uh oh…… Waters. I straightened myself up and a sense of calm washed over me.This was it. Go Time. And I was cool.  I walked back to the bedroom and woke my husband. “Jarrod, my waters have just broken. I’m going to call the hospital” I said as cool as you like. “Hmmmm” he groaned back. “Jarrod,” I said a little more urgently this time, “my water’s have broken, It’s time to go to the hospital”……… “WHAT!!!!!! Are you serious?….. Holy Sh!t” He exclaimed as I nodded my head – this time he was wide awake.

I called the hospital and I was to come in right away. With a breech on board there was a very real chance of cord prolapse and that could be very bad. I quickly gathered my things and by 6.45am we were at the hospital and in a delivery suite. I had no contractions but my waters had definitely broken. My Obstetrician rocked up, grumpy (hah!) and mumbling something about missing breakfast. I exclaimed “How do you think I feel! I’m about to have a freaking baby! I would KILL for a McMuffin!” As everyone had a giggle at me telling off the obstetrician, I was wheeled to theatre and Jarrod left my side to go and grab the camera from the car. I was so worried as anesthetists and surgical staff fussed over me, that Jarrod would be lost, but thank goodness he found his way back and turned up in scrubs next to me all of a sudden.

They wheeled me in and prepped me for a spinal block. An intern was instructed to let me lean on him as they inserted the tube or whatever they do. It was a little funny for me to note that the intern was shaking with nervousness. What a crack-up! Here was I about to have major abdominal surgery and he was the one shaking like a leaf. I remember he smelt nice. Funny. I get a needle shoved in my spine and all I could do was enjoy the scent of a young male intern (Jarrod honey – if you are reading this, I still love you and have no feelings for any interns whatsoever – it’s a girl thing…to remember smells. That’s all. A girl thing that only other girls get.)

There was lots of talking by the staff and I was laid down on the bed and a curtain went up. I looked over as Jarrod was let back in the room and noticed that my smart ‘Breech?’ intern was in the theatre too. I wondered if he remembered me. Then they were cutting me – although I had no idea. Cullen taunted in a teasing sing-song “I know what it i-i-i-s…”…. I was desperate to know for sure that we had our little boy “If it’s a girl you have to put it back!” I yelled at him. Then from behind the curtain, at 8.29am, emerged this gorgeous, puffy little blue face and I was in love. With a smurf. (Gawwwdddd, I’ve got tears now – stupid blog)

My Little Baby Will

My Little Baby Will

He wasn’t really a smurf. He was a gorgeous little boy. All there, all working. As he let out his first scream my tears of joy ran thick. Jarrod was looking at me and I looked at him. We had made this beautiful little baby and I don’t think I’ve ever loved my husband more than at that precise moment. We were a family and it was the most happy I have ever been. I so wanted to hold my two boys and touch their faces. Wipe the tears from Jarrod’s cheek and kiss the tiny head of our new precious bundle. We were both so engrossed in our new family that we completely forgot to take any pictures in the delivery suite – but that didn’t matter. We have a lifetime to capture our little boy.

William Alexander. You were so very welcome. xxx

Mother & Son: My first hours with my little man...

Mother & Son: My first hours with my little man...


Firsts and looking forward…

Well today ended up being a crazy busy day! Went in for a visit to work and touched base with all the old haunts. Still freaking out about going back but I guess it’ll all just happen before I know it and I won’t have a choice; probably for the best. I’ll look at Will one Saturday and say “Oh my, where did you come from little fella? Oh… that’s right. I have a child!’

I’m not looking forward to that moment when I first realise ‘I just went thirty minutes without thinking of him’. I’m not looking forward to the first day I pick him up from childcare and he’s got a scratch on his leg from a stick in the playground, and someone else fixed it up for him. I’m not looking forward to the first week he decides he doesn’t cry anymore when Mum leaves. But Will doesn’t know any of this. All he knows is that he’s not looking forward to doing this twice a day for the rest of his life…

You Brush your teeth! Ch-ch-ch-ch, ch-ch-ch-ch!

You Brush your teeth! Ch-ch-ch-ch, ch-ch-ch-ch!


How to make a Piñata Cake!

My little brother asked me if I would host his 20th birthday this year. Anyone that knows me will KNOW that I won’t pass up an opportunity to entertain, so I picked up the birthday gauntlet and sprinted with it. One of Stu’s favourite foods was Mexican, so there was only one real choice for his party – A Mexican Fiesta!!!! A-reeeeeebah!

There was the typical Mexican fare – nachos, quesedillas, tacos, enchiladas, salsa, guacamole, and lots-a cheese! For dessert, I planned to replicate something I’d seen on Better Homes & Gardens years ago – A Piñata Cake. This cake consisted of a hard chocolate shell and a cake filled with lollies enclosed inside. I sought out a recipe and set to work two days before the party.

Make a Piñata Cake!

Make a Piñata Cake!

The first step was to make the chocolate shell. Finding a bowl big enough and the right shape was relatively easy (we have a gazillion mixing bowls – odd for someone who doesn’t do an incredible amount of mixing). I then melted a heap of chocolate and poured it into my greased bowl, swirling the bowl around so it coated the inside evenly. I then used a spatula to clean up the edges and then placed the bowl aside to allow it to set. I don’t know if it was my bowl, the weather or me being so unbelievably awesome – but as the chocolate set, it magically came away from the bowl, so I had a funky, not-so-little chocolate hat shell! (although a chocolate hat would’ve been extra cool; maybe I can make a chocolate hat for my Easter Party next week).

The next day (Party eve) I mixed up and made the actual cake component. We then carved a hole in the centre, frosted the cake and filled the (unfrosted) hole with lollies. Placing my chocolate shell over the top, disguising the goodies inside, it was then time to decorate. Using some melted chocolate, I covered the shell in a range of coloured chocolatey goods and stuck some candles to the top. Wha Lah! One Piñata cake all ready for Stuart’s fiesta. The rest of our dining area was decorated that night and I was free to cook all the next day (the day of the party), so I could make sure I was ‘present’ for all the fiesta goings-on rather than be tied to the kitchen.

The party went off without a hitch (unless you count chocolate pieces everywhere and Stuart dropping his cactus TWICE!) and the cake was a success. I would highly recommend trying one yourself – it’s the perfect way to bring a little fiesta to your party!

Would you like to make one? Check out the recipe right here!

Stuart's Piñata Cake!

Stuart's Piñata Cake!

Stuart enjoys his cake.... Nom nom nom...

Stuart enjoys his cake.... Nom nom nom...


Mealy Monday #7

Aloha to the start of yet another week. With Easter just around the corner, I am getting excited about four things: My Easter Party on Thursday 21st (Thanks to Easter Bunny & Tupperware), pretty Easter decos, chocolate and shipping the family over to Tasmania on the 23rd! Woo hoo – so pumped…

Will continues to be a trooper at eating food. Who would’ve thought when he was so terrible a few weeks ago – lol. He’s loving sultanas, yoghurt and toast with peanut butter at the moment – so easy. Imagine if my meal plan consisted of that for the week. I wonder if anyone would notice? Hmm…. I think I’d have one confused hubby.

Last week saw some delicious chicken recipes and an impulse batch of cookies which were amazingly yummmm.You can find the recipe for Lime, Paprika and Honey Glazed Chicken on our Recipes Page.

Onto this week, I’ve planned some wintery-warming dishes because of the chilly weather we’ll be experiencing (is that weird that I check the weather forecast to plan my menu? Hee hee). There’s nothing like a steamy casserole with some crusty bread at the end of a 15 degree day…

M: Creamy Tomato, Pumpkin & Baby Spinach Penne 
T: Cottage Pie with Steamed Broccoli
W: Leftover Pie
T: Sausages with Vegetables, Mash & Onion Gravy
F: Fruity Beef Casserole
S: Fried Rice
S: Tuna Mornay with Green Salad

Merry Monday everyone, and don’t forget to check out the links below to some Meal-Planning Gold Mines….

Lime, Paprika & Honey Glazed Chicken

Lime, Paprika & Honey Glazed Chicken

The Organised Housewife

This Week for Dinner

Visit 'Vegie Smugglers'


There’s an Easter Bunny about…

Well what a crazy-busy day today! Markets-ing and tupperwaring and photoshopping and digi-scrapping and washing and feeding and reading and researching. Phew! That’s almost too many ‘ings for one day!

So in compensation for my lack of photos and yesterday’s non-existent post (I blame baby brain), I mentioned I would share the project that took up all last night with you… It’s a special Easter theme and I’ve made it for the April Template Challenge at The Shabby Shoppe Blog. Hope you all enjoy checking out my hard work. Don’t know if I can handle this scrapping thing… I may be a little too much of a perfectionist…. but I loved creating it all the same. Would love any feedback you have on the layout – I am learning after all.

Hip Hop... There's an Easter Bunny About!

Hip Hop... There's an Easter Bunny About!

Ba ha ha! I’ve just realised that I’ve left off the word ‘pounce’ at the end of the journalling – so no need to tell me that one, hee hee. Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday – see you Monday with our Mealy Monday post. ♥

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It turns out I’m only human after all. I’ve just realised it’s 10.30pm and I’ve forgotten to do my blog post for today. Bah! Digi-scrap can really make time fly!

I’ve been working on a page for maybe the last 2 1/2 hours. I’ll perhaps post my finished product tomorrow for everyone – along with a Foto-Friday-on-a-Saturday… Hee hee.

Have a fantastic weekend all! I’m heading to the Bendigo Children’s Market and a Tupperware party – oh the joy.

Am I Forgetting Something...?

Am I Forgetting Something...?


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Thankful Thought #1: Laughter

When I ask myself what it is I’m thankful for, many things come to mind. My family, friends, a place to live, a car to drive, food to eat; these are all standard answers. But I ponder deeper into this question. What are other people thankful for? What is something I’m thankful for each day? What is the littlest thing? The largest? What emotions? What visions?

There is at least one thing that answers all of these questions. It’s something I try to pass on, something I enjoy every day, it can be little or large, I feel it, I see it.


Because there truly is no other way to shower yourself and others with happiness.

Thankful Thought #1: Laughter

Thankful Thought #1: Laughter - My Wedding Day: photos with my beautiful bridesmaids xx

**Thanks to Ali Edwards for her fantastic inspiration xx